
Thursday, 14 November 2013

Paradis Plage

Flat day fun...

I met some guys out surfing who are instructors at the 5* beach resort 'Paradis Plage' - about 20 minutes up the coast from Tagazhout. So, I played my cards right and managed to get a day out at the resort!

 I thought I was doing really well.....

Apparently not.

All photos: Canon 1000d

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Brits on tour

Last night all the 'gappies' headed to the local City - 'Agadir' to check out the Moroccan night life. Needless to say we were not disappointed but that may be due to the amounts of alcohol we all consumed.....


...Not so sober

Friday, 11 October 2013


On Friday afternoons we teach English to the kids up at the local school in Tagazhout. The plan therefore is to get up early, get a dawn session in then come back to Tagazhout for the afternoon... 
Everything ran smoothly - 6:50 start, up, packed and out of the door by seven. However, slight hitch, no van or driver. We waited a few minutes; Moroccan time is 10 minutes late for everything. 7:30, still nothing, we could've stayed in bed! Eventually, 2 hours later our driver rocked up ...apparently dawnys dont exist in Morocco.

Lucy, Alice and Me
Devil's Rock, Tamracht
Canon 1000D // ISO 200 F5.6

Since we got here, only Tamri (a North facing beach 40 minutes away) has been working, though the last couple days we have been getting some swell coming in around Tagazhout, meaning we can go explore the beaches round here! So far we've only been to a few - Panoramas, Crocro and this morning Devil's rock, all three are beach breaks within 10 minutes drive of Tagazhout. It was nice, small peeling waves which are perfect waves for all of us to practice our technique on!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Flat day fun

Tagazhout is still flat, the only place that works is Tamri, a beach break 40 mins away from us. However, we, and all the other surf schools within a 20 mile radius, have been there all day everyday for the last 3 weeks... So despite it being a beach with sun, +20ºc and surf, we have all come to the conclusion that we hate the place... 
This morning, instead of stopping at Tamri we just carried on driving. We ended up road tripping up North until we came across Imsouane - a small town with a good beach break. There were still no waves but anything beats Tamri and, as we discovered, Imsouane is a really amazing place! 

Will found his secret talent

We all became 3 year olds again as soon as we found these rock pools!

Morocco has this really cool system were you can buy/catch your own fish and take it to the restaurants and they'll cook it for you. So for lunch, our surf guide Hassan got some freshly caught fish from the market and we took it to a small beach side cafe; aside from all the Moroccan belly it caused it was a great lunch!

Will @ Imsouane beach
Pictures: Canon 1000D 

We attempted to surf some of the small waves and had some fun on our foamies... Will shredded as per usual despite the swell being about 1ft.

Monday, 7 October 2013

The girls

Us girls at Paradise Valley
Canon 1000d // F8 ISO 200 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Generic Sunsets..

Sunset @ Anchor point
Canon 1000d // F8 ISO200

This evening we took a stroll down to Anchors, a world class surf break - famous for its long peeling rights.. Obviously it's flat at the mo, but we're all looking forward to watching it when its pumping! (Maybe surfing it when we're better...!)

We've been here now just over a fortnight and so far the only break that has been working is Tamri, a North facing beach a 40 min drive up the coast. Just having the one place working = busy busy busy, hurry up waves!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Camel fun

Crocro beach, Tamracht, Morocco
 GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition