
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Plans coming together...

So, with the final term, final exams, and final few months EVER at school approaching, my plans for the summer are coming together...

Before I go of travelling in September, my summer looks like its going to be very full too! Cam and I just booked a ferry over to Cherbourg in France, and we're planning on cycling around 220km along the coast from here to St Malo, camping and hosteling along the way. 

...Already praying for sun!

The final exams start...

So, it's a week to go until the final term of school is over and for the art students this means that exams are well and truly under way! With 12 hours of exam time (3 to go) and our coursework deadline at the end of this week we are doing nothing else but art art art!

Photos: Canon 1000d